Monday, January 3, 2011

Why I'm a Housewife...

A reasonable question. I have a college degree (in nursing) and did have a good paying job (for a year there). I'm not the typical wait-on-my-husband and make his life wonderful type of gal. Ok, sometimes I am. But I have no hang ups saying that I firmly believe that it is not a "woman's job" to make her husband (or wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancee, etc) a happy home. When we were both working full time we shared the household chores. Now that I stay home I don't just do the typical cleaning, cooking, laundry routine. We are constantly working on the house we bought last year, so I do little remodeling things around the house, refinish furniture, do yard work, and the like. All in all try to stay busy. I'm going to try to use the blog to share my recipes, house tips, projects, etc. Also, because we are a CFF (child free family) you can always get great stories about my dog and three cats, who are all currently fighting to help me write this post. ah. life is good